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We, the representatives of Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of Gainesville Georgia (TCCGG), Global Federation of Chinese Business Women of Atlanta (GFCBW-ATL), the Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United States (CAPASUS), Monte Jade Science & Technology Association of Southeastern Region (MJSTA), and Asian Pacific American Advocates Georgia (OCA) express strong condemnation of shootings of March 16, 2021, when several Asian women were killed. We also strongly encourage the local officials to fully investigate this crime, to protect the life and property rights of all people, and to consider the century-long racial bias against Asian Americans that has unconsciously imprinted in the minds of some people but has never been well addressed in society and in education.

We want to express our deepest condolences to the loss of the victims’ families. These victims were not rich and stayed in the bottom of US social hierarchy, but they worked hard to earn a living in this land of liberty, hoping to fulfill their American Dreams. They did not deserve to die this way. They died because the Asian massage or spa businesses were the easy targets. They died because the society did not know the fear hidden behind the silence and in everyday life of many Asian Americans. Injustice is here.

This tragedy brings chills to the Asian community; however, we the American people cannot allow such injustice to happen again. Regardless of the shooter’s motive, the police need to be vigilant in their investigations and uncover his motive and put our Asian community at ease as soon as possible. Asians have long been seen as a “model” minority because we do not “create” problems and because we seemly accept whatever treatment from the government or the society. This has to stop. We demand the government officials conduct a proper investigation

before declaring this case solved. We also urge the government to provide proper assurance to the Asian community that this type of violence is not tolerated now and will never be tolerated in the future.

- Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of Gainesville Georgia (

- Global Federation of Chinese Business Women of Atlanta (

- The Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United States (

- Monte Jade Science & Technology Association of Southeastern Region (

- OCA-Georgia - Asian Pacific American Advocates Georgia (

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