這項活動亞城世華代表華裔婦女工商團體,創會會長陳家琪,會長邱婷蘭,第一副會長張菊芬,副會長劉秀皇,會員 JJ劉,陳𧃸儀,大太陽尹茂達,浦立偉及王本桓,心懷世界 - 參與主流社會,建立網絡 - 認識其他亞裔社團代表,掌握脈動 -了解最新法案議題,發展經貿- 與州政府經濟發展及其他亞裔商會。
9th Annual Asian American Advocacy Day Feb 24, 2020 7:30am to 12pm Georgia State Capital
The Legislative Breakfast introduces community members to their representatives and the legislative process. This event draws over 200 Asian American leaders to the Capitol. Attendees will meet with elected officials and learn about ways to advocate for themselves and their communities.