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The 2022 Global Federation of Chinese Business Women (GFCBW)- Atlanta Chapter’sSymposium for May's


At 1:30 PM on May 7, 2022, under the leadership of President Lucy Liu of GFCBW-Atlanta Chapter and its board members and supervisors, a symposium was held to celebrate May’s Asian American Heritage Month and to support Taiwan joining the World Health Assembly (WHA). In response to the GFCBW’s efforts to promote Taiwan’s national diplomacy, its seventy-seven chapters around the world simultaneously held activities to support Taiwan joining the WHA on May 7 through different means and channels.

Director Hung-Wei Ou of the Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Atlanta made the opening remarks praising the GFCBW for hosting this event as part of the celebration for May’s Asian American Heritage Month. He also wished all the mothers present at this event a Happy Mother’s Day. Billy Chung, the Consular Officer of TECO, followed the opening remarks by saying that “Taiwan Can Help, Taiwan is Helping” as the Taiwanese community excels in various activities to assist the local community in Georgia. Furthermore, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution on April 26 calling on Taiwan to restore its observer status in the WHA. Such a resolution is also supported by many other countries in the world. Captain Luis Solis of the City of Chamblee Police Department and two police officers participated in this event in addition to Lu Futai, Overseas Chinese Affairs Commissioner, and other representatives from different Taiwanese community organizations.

Five members from different professional fields participated in this symposium to share their experience and expertise. The founding president, Jackie Chen, interviewed them and focused on the theme of how Asian Americans can improve their image and build self-confidence in their respective professional fields. These five speakers were Lucy Liu, co-founder of Belux Coffee Roasters, Gary Chang, President of JCT Auto Tools and GFCBW’s Honorary Board member, Nancy Tai, Principal of the Atlanta Chinese School and Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning, Jun Wang, Commercial Real Estate Advisor of T Dallas Smith & Company, and Amy Hsu of Kaisen Design Architecture and Interior. Each interviewee shared how he/she has overcome challenges as Asian Americans in the workplace, increased influence in the mainstream culture, and demonstrated contributions and development in different fields in the U. S.

President of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission, Mr. Tong explained the new model of services for overseas Chinese & Taiwanese businesspeople. He then showed a WHA promotional video from the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs titled “Sweetness of Friendship.” This video illustrated an example of how Taiwanese medical personnel devote themselves to international public health, cooperate with the world medical profession, and assist in many public health endeavors in all parts of the world. They have impacted many local communities and changed people’s lives.

After this event, many representatives from different organizations along with the participants of this event met outside of the Culture Center of TECO and took a group photo with the banner of “WHA for Taiwan, Let Taiwan Help.”

GFCBW-Atlanta Chapter would like to thank all the following representatives from different organizations for this group photo - Atlanta Taiwanese School, Atlanta Taiwanese Women Association, CAPASUS (The Chinese American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United States), Monte Jade Southeastern Science and Technology Association, Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of Gainesville, Taiwanese Golf Association of Georgia, Taiwanese American Professionals - Atlanta and Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce of Georgia.

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