March is Women's History month and March 8th is International Women's Day. March 9th at 6:30pm, Doraville City Major Joseph Geierman issued proclamations and recognitions on behalf of Doraville City Council to various community leaders. Each of these women has made a positive impact in their communities.
Our current president, Lucy Liu, a woman business owner was there to receive this proclamation on behalf of Global Federation of Chinese Business Women Atlanta Chapter (GFCBW-Atlanta).
Lucy Liu told the audience it is GFCBW-Atlanta’s great honor to receive this proclamation from Doraville City Council. One of GFCBW-Atlanta’s goals is to give back to the community where we work and live. Though GFCBW-Atlanta was only founded for 4 years, all the outstanding board members and members let the organization grow fast and strong. We look forward to connecting even more nonprofits and communities in the future to promote women’s rights and interests!