亞城世華愛心捐贈防疫用品 - 心懷世界,掌握脈動,建立網絡,發展經貿!
世界華人工商婦女企管協會亞特蘭大分會,於四月二十九日,推已及人,籌備防疫物資,提倡環保意識,幫助會員,也捐贈給第一防線的美國東南區 ICNA Relief 舒困救濟中心。
謝謝會長邱婷蘭和世界台商聯絡,訂了一批由印尼台商製作的精細綿布口罩套(環保,容易清洗,多次使用,在一次性口罩缺乏,疫情緊張時期,可以延長口罩使用期),並進購台灣台南生產的紅葳精油潔淨凝膠 (純天然精油,不含酒精,不會造成皮膚乾燥過敏)也捐贈了300片, 三層防護的一次性口罩,並示範如何組合,戴口罩,手套,清潔,保持社交距離,全面防疫!
On April 29,2020, GFCBW Atlanta representatives made a special trip to the ICNA Relief Center Southeastern region office in Stone Mountain, Georgia to make a donation consisting of reusable mask covers, disposable 3-ply masks and non-alcohol essential oil based hand sanitizer. Sheikh Shamikh Sahadat, the South-East Regional Director, received the donation on the behalf of ICNA Relief USA and thanked GFCBW Atlanta for the timely and gracious donation. ICNA Relief USA centers aim at helping local families in need. Their services include women shelters, hunger prevention, free medical clinics and family services. They were referred to GFCBW Atlanta by United Way. GFCBW Atlanta team was current President, Ting Chiu, Founding President, Jackie Chen, VP, Lucy Liu, Treasurer, Michelle Jhu and her husband Kevin Kuo, Board member, Amy Hsu, members, Charlene Fang and May Chi. Special thanks to everyone drove over 30 minutes in the rain to make this donation ceremony meaningful and impactful in Atlanta! Love our neighbors just as we love ourselves!