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Updated: Jul 28, 2021

亞特蘭大世界華人工商婦女企管協會於十二月一日假約翰溪市標準俱樂部(Standart Club)舉辦的成功女性系列第二場活動「有鳳來儀,灼灼其華」研習營,共有近五十位會員及貴賓出席。這場主管風範及個制化形象講座,邀請了Sachi通訊公司總裁藤田幸(Sachi Koto)及知名珠寶設計師許淑晶擔任主講人。

講座是由亞特蘭大世華協會會長邱婷蘭及第一副會長張菊芬共同主持。由約翰溪市商會會長Ken Davis 致詞,表揚亞城世華在主流社區卓越的表現,並主辦這場有意義的提升女性內外美兼得的活動。

第一位主講人藤田幸Sachi Koto,從內在、風格及個性三方面談領導者的影響力。與會人士在她帶領的現場互動中,學習到在不同社交場合中,表現適當的禮儀舉止,如與人握手時的方式等。她並邀請幾位會員上台回答狀況題,再加以分析如何能顯示領䄂的氣勢及格局,以助於邁向事業更高階層 。

第二位主講人許淑晶,凱薩琳品牌學院負責人。她用各階層的知名女士為代表,解說因髪型、化妝、服飾的整體和諧考量,出席不同場合的活動時,裝扮合宜者加分,而有些裝扮則建議可做改進。她深入簡出的提供了簡單掌握的原則。現場並邀請了數名會員上台展示示範,如何在穿著上搭配合宜的飾品後,會完全展現不同的風格。她強調項鍊及其它配飾在搭配服裝時,要依照領口的設計,及顏色的搭配,以不超過三種顏色為最佳選擇。許淑晶擁有美國GIA珠寶設計師執照,她這次特別從華盛頓來亞特蘭大參與主講這場講座。她準備了多套她設計的精品首飾,並把其中兩套贈與給這次世華活動贊助者袁曉明及Maggie Mers。

在活動最後環節中,邀請了亞特蘭大僑教中心傅瑾玲主任上台致詞,並舉辦了一個溫馨的歡送儀式。由世華會長邱婷蘭,創會會長陳家琪,監事楊彥純,第一副會長張菊芬,副會長趙華雍,理事朱麒謙,理事許克潔,理事曹燕玲等代表全體會事贈送了禮物給傅主任留念。 節目最後還安排了慶生活動,全體會員歡唱生日快樂歌並切蛋糕同樂,每位壽星獲贈由許淑晶設計的精美戒指鑰匙圈及世華致贈的水鑽髮夾。

The second activity in the “Successful Women Series” was held by the Global Federation of Chinese Business Women-Atlanta Chapter (GFCBW-Atlanta Chapter) from 1:30 to 5:00 PM on December 1, 2019 at the Standard Club in Johns Creek. This activity was a workshop conducted by Ms. Sachi Koto, CEO of Sachi Communications Inc. and Ms. Catherine Hsu, a renowned jewelry designer. There were 50 participants.

There is a Chinese expression that a phoenix comes with grace to rest and always in splendid style. A successful woman, just like a phoenix, must be able to land in anywhere with style. The theme of this workshop concerned how to speak and present yourself as an effective leader as well as to create individualized splendid and graceful styles that are part of being a successful woman.

This workshop was hosted by the president of the GFCBW-Atlanta Chapter, Ms. Ting Lan Chiu, and first vice president, Ms. Amy Chang. The event began with remarks from the Mayor of Johns Creek, Mr. Kent Davis. He congratulated the GFCBW-Atlanta Chapter for its outstanding contributions to mainstream society and commented on the very meaningful theme of this workshop as it is aimed to elevate the inner and outer beauty of womanhood.

The first presenter was Ms. Sachi Koto, a veteran professional in mass media who was a broadcaster for CNN and its affiliates for over 25 years. She discussed the impact of inner strength, style, and personal character on good leadership. Through interaction, participants learned about different social etiquettes and appropriate interactional styles as well as how to use a correct handshake to greet people. She invited a few volunteers to the stage. Through Q & A, she analyzed what behaviors demonstrated an effective leadership style. The skills demonstrated and discussed are all important to help participants be successful in their business dealings and to help elevate their leadership status.

The second presenter was Ms. Catherine Hsu, the founder of the Catherine Brand and Style Development Institute. She used photos of many celebrities at different events and occasions to discuss their hairstyles, makeup, outfits, and overall impressions. She illustrated what constituted an appropriate and effective image and what needed to improve. Her examples were easy to understand and they painted an overall framework and principle for the participants to follow. She asked some participants to come forward so she could demonstrate how she could add accessories to make their outfits became more unique. She especially emphasized that jewelry and accessories must match different necklines and collars of the clothes. She also stressed that every outfit should not have more than three color schemes.

Ms. Hsu is not only a fashion and style expert, but also is a United States certified GIC Jewelry Designer. She brought with her many unique pieces of personally designed jewelry. From these, she gave two sets to this event’s sponsors, Ms. Yun Shiu-Ming and Ms. Maggie Mers.

After the two presentations, Ms. Jing-Ling Fu, the director of Overseas Community Affairs Council, Republic of China (Taiwan) in Atlanta was asked to make her remarks as she is leaving the Atlanta post. The GFCBW- Atlanta Chapter’s president, Ting, founding president, Jackie, supervisor, Ann, first vice president, Amy C., and vice president, Rita, along with board members, Jessica, Michelle, and Amy H. were all together to present Ms. Fu a farewell gift.

A beautifully designed cake was brought out to celebrate any members who were having birthdays in the month of October, November, and December. These members were also given a beautiful ring keychain designed by Ms. Hsu and a drizzling hair pin from the GFCBW Atlanta. This activity was adjourned with much learned knowledge and skills while enjoying delicious cake and fellowship.

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